Agriculture that Inspires / Família Cabrini
- Grupo Bom Futuro
- Fazenda Bom Verdi
- Grupo MCMiaki Coffe
- Grupo Boa Esperança
- Grupo Progresso
- Granja Ottoni
- Fazenda Esteirinha
- Família Cabrini
- Milonga SRL
- Sandy Hollar Farms
- Norton Creek Farms
- Syferfontein Farm
- Graspol Farming
- Agrodan - Belém de São Francisco
- Guamo, Tolima - Colombia
- Cacau Show - Linhares, Espírito Santo - Brazil
- Artunduaga Rodriguez & Cia Agriculture
Family inspires men, as sustainability inspires agribusiness. The best reference in these two fields is leaving something to the future. Juan Diego Cabrini plants a legacy of innovation and productivity in neighboring Argentina while preserving the land.
Proof of that is that he implanted the world's first transgenic wheat production system using an intelligent platform. Watch our #AgroThatInspires web series’ third video to learn more!